Questions & Answers

Is the L-R the same as output 1-2 on quantum 2626

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asked Feb 4, 2021 in Thunderbolt - Quantum by ossmanexce (120 points)
I’m trying to run 8 lines out of the Presonus into an analog mixer, then back into the same presonus. However outputs 1-2 are the same feed as the L-R outputs, meaning I can only run 6 outs and have to use 2 for monitoring. I suppose my question is can I run 8 individual outputs and still have a dedicated main L-R output?

1 Answer

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answered Mar 19, 2021 by davidwilliamson1 (230 points)
Unfortunately yes. The L/R channels are just duplicates of analog outs 1 and 2. I think this was less expensive than actually having all 8 analog outputs as promised in the sales materials.