Questions & Answers

closed [Completed 3.5] Low-Latency-Button (as found in Logic)

+20 votes
asked Mar 13, 2016 in Completed Feature Requests by robinwiersbin (260 points)
closed May 23, 2017 by LMike
Is there any Low-Latency-Mode - as in Logic - in Studio One for doing latency-free-recording? I'm looking for it desperately. Im so convinced of this piece of software, but I'm missing that feature. Thanks and greetings from Germany!
closed with the note: Low Latency monitor mode

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Mar 15, 2016 by AlexTinsley (925,570 points)

Thank you for the feature request. 

If anyone else agrees or disagrees, then please vote it up, or down. 

To vote:

In agreement click on the little blue triangle pointing up.

In disagreement click on the little blue triangle pointing down.

The developers pay close attention to those that are voted on the most. 

You are allowed one vote. 

Just viewing and agreeing but not clicking on the vote does not help the issue. 

Please click on one or the other. 

0 votes
answered Aug 4, 2016 by musicmould (1,870 points)
Yeah, if there is one thing that would make me go back to Logic, it's the Low Latency button!

I really, really, really miss it.

If you are pretty far into a production and need to record a virtual instrument, let's say a piano,

it's virtually impossible because of the latency that is added.

In Logic you could just push the Low Latency button and voila! Virtually no latency on the piano while recording.