Questions & Answers

Remove extranoius texts from scribble strips (Faderport with Cubase)

+1 vote
asked Mar 10, 2021 in FaderPort 16 by distel (130 points)
With Cubase, in PAN mode, you need to see the "Left-, Right Page 1 of 2... But when you are in regular fader mode can we PLEASE have it gone? The support tech told me it's there "By Design". That seems silly. I just want to see the Channel names and pan positions at the bottom. We don't need to see that extra stuff at the top row. It's distracting and has no reason to be there in track mode as you can't edit it anyway in this mode. In Pan mode, by all means it should show up because THEN you can edit it and it's relevant.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 17, 2021 by georgewurzbach (140 points)
This troubles me as well. It shouldn't work this way. BUT I found a work-around. Power down your FP and close Cubase. Open Cubase using the HUB. With the HUB visable, power on the FP. Select the file/project from the HUB. When it opens you should have only track names in your scribble strips.