Questions & Answers

Chain multiple 32R devices into one big combined mixer.

+5 votes
asked Aug 17, 2021 in StudioLive Series Feature Requests by MyPresonusAccount (170 points)

I have two Presonus 32R mixers and it would be great to be able to "chain" these in some way so that I could see 64 channels in the Universal Control rather than having to go into each individual device and only see the 32 channels for that specific device. So, a single combined mixer in Universal Controlled that aggregated all the channels of the individual 32R devices would great. This would mean, one "main", you could then see everything in one window. This would be great

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 19, 2022 by masterkeyz (160 points)
Looking for this solution as well. How have you connected both to your system? Is it possible to record from both simultaneously in 1 DAW to provide up to 64 inputs of multitrack recording for a session? Would really love to know your workaround if this is possible.