Questions & Answers

Requesting Save Icon Assignments in Universal Control/UC Surface

+3 votes
asked Oct 7, 2021 in StudioLive Series Feature Requests by markschramm1 (150 points)

I have a StudioLive 32.4.2AI mixer and use both UC Surface on an Android tablet and Universal Control on a MacBook Air laptop to interact with it. Since I use this mixer with two different bands and therefore use a majority of the 32 channels, the color-coding and labeling is very helpful for me and other personnel to quickly apprehend relevant channels in the software. Both software products allow the setting of an icon for each channel to further give a quick visual indication of which channels are being used for which type of instruments. BUT, after spending time assigning these icons, they're lost/forgotten by the software when either application is restarted. Why? Why not allow those useful indicators to also be saved along with the color coding and naming? This seems like it'd be a modest but rather helpful enhancement to enact in these two applications. Requesting that you add that intelligence to the software.

[I've asked in the Support site whether this is a bug as it seems so to me, but the reply given was that the only possible way for this functionality to be realized is to ask here as a Feature Request.]

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 7, 2022 by jorgefrancisvillanuevalazarte (400 points)
Please gentlemen... take into account our order I definitely join this order we do not ask for it to be the same as the Mackie but put RTA and SPECTRO in UC SURFACE improve the delay of the wifi signal with the bumeros... better revers and delay effects, change the 48v button that is accidentally pressed, make the app more intuitive, let's go work