Questions & Answers

Multiple instances of opus and midi recording

0 votes
asked Jan 17, 2022 in Studio One 5 by tyty9sost3x9 (180 points)

I have a question about recording with a midi keyboard. I use the EW Opus Player and want to create a template. For this I need more than 16 midi inputs.

For this reason I have loaded a 2nd instance of Opus. What leads to a strange behavior. If I now try to record something on the 2nd instance, all Instrumennte of the 1st instance play along. I can't turn off the recording on the 1st instance either. If I deactivate all of them (via the record button), they immediately reactivate. This does not happen with the 2nd instance.

I still have FL Studio. There I do not have the problem.

Since I haven't found an entry with this behavior, I think that I am the problem. I'm not sure what I am doing wrong though. Does anyone have any ideas?

Thankjs in advance



1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jan 17, 2022 by tyty9sost3x9 (180 points)
Fixed it by myself. But dont know how.

The only thing I did was click on the track. The problem was still there. After that I right clicked on the track and pressed edit. After that it worked in all projects without doing any changes in them.

Greetings Chris