Questions & Answers

why my studio live 16.4.2 mixer freezes sometimes ?

0 votes
asked Apr 13, 2016 in Classic Mixers by emmanuellanvain (120 points)
My firmware version is 1.50a and Build N°190

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Apr 18, 2016 by darrylneustaedterbarg (140 points)
There is a problem with the DSP card when they overheat in this model. After some testing, we discovered that putting a fan inside the case has completely solved the problem. Presonus will offer to replace your DSP card for a hefty repair and shipping cost. Read the forum as well. That hasn't worked for everyone.

0 votes
answered Jun 7, 2017 by karimdubugnon (140 points)
Hello Darryl,

May be you'll see my post because this topic is quite old. Could you say a little bit more about the solution you have found with the fan? Where do you spotted it? is there an optimal position or should it point on a special spot? is it blowing inside or taking the heat out? Have you made extra openings or did you modified the side of the console? etc... in one word, i think that MANY people would be very pleased to know how to permanently fix that issue. A little sketch would be very appreciated!

Many thanks in advance.
