Questions & Answers

Support for Acon Acoustica 7 in SO6 via ARA 2

+5 votes
asked Oct 15, 2022 in Editing by wessarno (2,580 points)
While Izotope seems unable to provide a version of RX that run in SO6 through ARA2 (and that's a shame because they did it for Logic!), Acon Digital provides its Acoustica Editor that is fully compliant with ARA2.

But it seems that S06 coders have to authorize the use of Acoustica just like they did for Melodyne and VocAlign...

So, as James Brown says : Please, please, please, pleaaaaase!

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 1 by SheaComfort (160 points)
I see there is a workaround of dragging the Acoustica plugin from the effects window whilst holding down a modifier to the event you want to edit, but this is so clunky and would be much better if it were properly finished like it is for Melodyne and Vocalign right in the mouse menu.

Please, Personus, add this to Studio One 6 like you have it for Melodyne.

Thank you.