Questions & Answers

register and edit midi files...

+1 vote
asked Jul 22, 2016 in Studio One 3 by annecridlig (160 points)

Hi, was so excited to finally get my Acorn Masterkey 49 keyboard!

Here is what I want to achieve... Play on the keyboard, hear myself on the computer, see what has been played on a note sheet, be able to edit it, add effects and save it as a MIDi file.

Downloaded and installed PreSonus, plugged in and added my keyboard. Choose for "Receive from" my keyboard but what should I choose for "Send to"? 3 choices appear there and they all seem to work, I have Microsoft Synthesizer as of now.

So, I hear myself on the computer but how to register myself and see it on a note sheet, then edit it, add effects and save it as a midi file? The tutorial folder downloaded practically empty and this whole interface seems rather intimidating!

Wow, almost there... Looking forward to hear from you, thanks! ;-)))

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 18, 2017 by Jamesrhone1 (200,340 points)
Best answer
1. With the Acorn MIDI controller, you do not need "MIDI Send To" set.

2. Not sure what "Register to Myself" is in regards to.

3. If you mean you want to see a "Staff View", you would need Notion for editing notation and send back and forth to Studio One.

Here is a link to Notion: