Questions & Answers

no sound

0 votes
asked Aug 30, 2016 in Studio One 3 by larrysmith2 (210 points)
Could use some help...

PC Win 7

I have studio one producer on my pc.
I have a Tascam fw 1082 board, with fire wire.
This system has been working.

However, I just move this set up to a new room. I had problems getting it set up before 2 years ago.

1) Studio one is on.
2) Tascam is on.
3) Tascam fire wire light is on and is connected to studio one.

I am attempting to play back a recorded file in studio one. The sound faders are moving.

However, NO Sound is coming out of headphones on tascam board or from the monitor speakers.

Is the a setting I am missing to allow the sound to travel to the tascam board and the headphones & monitors???

See the images

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 8, 2016 by AlexTinsley (925,570 points)
Best answer
If you started Studio One and did not have your Tascam interface connected, then it will assign another device or set it to No Output.

You'll need to go back to Audio Device Setup in Studio One Preferences to select your Audio Interface again.