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Presonus Midilearn issue

0 votes
asked Nov 7, 2016 in Studio One 3 by gerarddesir (150 points)

I am using Presonous Studio one as my DAW. I am trying to map the Arturia MINILAB to it. When I select Midi learn and try to turn the knobs and pads on the machine nothing happens. I have made sure that the firmware has been updated on the Arturia Minilab and I have even updated the latest version of my DAW and still no luck. I have also removed it and re-entered as a new external device on Studio one to see if that would work and still no luck. I am running this on a MAC. Any insight that you could provide would be very helpful. 

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 18, 2017 by Jamesrhone1 (200,340 points)
Best answer
For controls like faders, knobs and buttons, you will need to create a New Control Surface in Studio One > Options/Preferences(OSX) > External Devices. Assign the MIDI Receive From to the port the Arturia is connected to. Then you can MIDI learn the controls and assign them. However, if those pads only send MIDI notes, you unfortunately, not be able to map those.