Questions & Answers

Midi Not Fully Registering Through Audiobox iTwo

0 votes
asked Dec 31, 2016 in AudioBox USB by giacomofabiano (120 points)
PLEASE HELP!!! I've been stuck for days...   I'm Using the Audiobox itwo connected to my computer.. a Dell xps 13, 8gb RAM, i5 . I'm trying to use midi as thats how i compose and record a lot of EDM/Jazz or other genres, Im using my yamaha p85 and my DAW is REAPER...

So with that out of the way, im trying to play midi through the interface i used to use midi to usb cable before i bought the interface, in hopes getting an external soundcard would lessen  problems i was having with direct midi to usb. with midi cables from keyboard to box, plugged in correctly, all settings in my DAW and interface are all set correctly i know how to monirot and all that, i get one played note, it Sticks, never shuts off, then another note will register 10 or so seconds later. AGH! please help.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 5, 2017 by philangus (10,130 points)
It sounds to me almost like a midi through type of loop issue, but without knowing the equipment well it's difficult to offer more constructive advice.

Have you watched the excellent Youtube Johnny Geib video (and recommended for other videos) for setting up a midi device in S1?