Questions & Answers

Missing Inputs/Channels - CS18AI with RML16 and RML32

0 votes
asked Jan 1, 2017 in Ai Mixers by adrianstuckey (180 points)

Products - CS18AI with RML16 as master and RML32 as slave. 
We use both iPads and Windows tablets to control mixes. 
Problem: Some how 4 inputs on the RML32 dropped out without warning and will not come back, not even with a backup or recall from another scene. All other inputs come back and are set as they should be. I have ZERO clue how to bring then back or what is the cause of this issue. Is this a known issue ? 
Side Note: We've had these inputs saved in every backup we have and in ever scene as well. I have restated the systems several time without luck. 
This is a church setup and I have little room to reconfig my setup. HELP HELP HELP !!!!

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 1, 2017 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)
edited Jan 1, 2017 by wahlerstudios

From your description I would guess that the input sources of those 4 channels were changed. With a RML32AI as slave I think they should be set as network inputs, but there is also some interaction between master and slave, so you always have to watch both sides...

Otherwise there is only one thing you can try is a full factory reset with option card unplugged. The "how to" is explained in the documents you can find in your Presonus account. A factory reset sets ANYTHING back to zero, which sometimes helps to make things work again. It is the "ultimate" tool for you as user, but of course it can not repair defects. It just makes clear that there must be a physical defect. As you have backups of your scenes you will not lose any information, so give your board this "refresh"! If a factory reset does not help, send the board to service. Open a service ticket in your PreSonus account.
