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Notion 6 Preset Files Unextractable

0 votes
asked Jan 2, 2017 in Notion by kerrykobashi1 (420 points)
edited Jan 2, 2017 by kerrykobashi1
You are delivering ZIPPED files that have double quotes in them that are preventing your customers from extracting them to disk. Under Windows 10, using the Extract facility on the ZIP file results in an Error message. Upon further review, I've noticed these are due to the Impakt Preset and the VET Preset having filenames with double quotes in them.

You need to rename all the filenames and rezip them up again:

Impakt Suspended Cymbals 18" China.notion
Impakt 22" Swish-Knocker.notion

There are a lot of these in your ZIP files than need to be cleaned up.
The Fanfare and Rumble Presets have no problems in them.

Update (Workaround):
If you use Microsoft Windows 10 builtin ZIP extractor it will do the above. If you download WinZip and extract, it will replace the double quotes in the filenames with an underscore and allow the file to be extracted to disk. Still, this should not happen and QA team should have caught this problem before release.

1 Answer

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answered Jan 11, 2017 by ChrisS23 (13,770 points)
yes we are aware of this issue and have queued it up for a fix. This was not an issue when these presets were first created however, otherwise yes, that would have been a rather obvious catch for QA!