Questions & Answers

What is a potentiometer?

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asked Apr 14, 2015 in Audio Terms by AlexTinsley (925,530 points)
Sometimes referred to a pot, what is a Potentiometer?

1 Answer

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answered Apr 14, 2015 by AlexTinsley (925,530 points)
Best answer
A potentiometer is a manually adjustable resistor.  One terminal of the potentiometer is connected to a power source. Another is hooked up to ground (a point with no voltage or resistance and which serves as a neutral reference point), while the third terminal runs across a strip of resistive material. This resistive strip generally has a low resistance at one end; its resistance gradually increases to a maximum resistance at the other end. The third terminal serves as the connection between the power source and ground, and is usually interfaced to the user by means of a knob or lever. The user can adjust the position of the third terminal along the resistive strip in order to manually increase or decrease resistance.

By controlling resistance, a potentiometer can determine how much current flows through a circuit. When used to regulate current, the potentiometer is limited by the maximum resistivity of the strip. In most analog devices, a potentiometer is what establishes the levels of output.