Questions & Answers


0 votes
asked Jan 23, 2017 in Studio One 3 by hampusstlund (300 points)
Hi! I bought Studio One 3 on Black Friday in hope that could move from Logic Pro X but I couldn't get my third party software to work. Now I hear from people that it's not possible in my version of Studio One. Is this true and if so, is there any way to buy support for third party software? I'm primarily working with Native Instruments Komplete 10 Ultimate and East West Quantum Leap so if I can't use these I won't be able to switch from Logic Pro X to Studio One.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 23, 2017 by PreSonuSales2 (68,140 points)
Best answer
Hi Hampus, it looks like you own Studio One 3 Artist which is not compatible with third party VST's and plug-ins. In order to use third-party VST's in Studio One 3, you have two options:

1. Purchase the "VST and AU and Rewire Support" add-on for Studio One 3 Artist:


2. Purchase an upgrade to Studio One 3 Professional:
0 votes
answered Jan 23, 2017 by philangus (10,160 points)
With any third party software, instruments, plugins etc, it's down to whether the third part software vendor supports Studio One, not the other way around. I would imagine there will be more chance of this working if you have the full pro version of S1, but I can't say whether there is actually a reason why it won't work in Artist version of S1. However, you don't say what version you are using?

So the short answer is, check with the third party vendor to so if their software is supported or has been tested with S1.