Questions & Answers

Can I Import StudioLive/RML Fat Channel Settings to Studio One Like Capture?

+1 vote
asked Mar 28, 2017 in Ai Mixers by MainelySound (1,090 points)
When recording to Studio One, can the data from the StudioLive AI/RML mixers be saved (like it does in Capture)?

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Mar 28, 2017 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)
I think this feature is unique to Capture, so why not record in Capture an open the whole session in Studio One? Capture is a reduced version of Studio One (specialized for recording and playing back tracks), so the quality of the recording is the same plus the settings are saved and can be transferred. Anyway Studio One has a much more powerful processing, so what do you need the Fat Channel for? Just  asking myself... ;-)
+1 vote
answered Mar 28, 2017 by MainelySound (1,090 points)
because Capture is hardwired to the channels that it records and to optimize the board (and because of the setup) i use the aux ins as inputs to the auxes (which are used as separate headphone outs) and i would like to record the aux ins (they are not sent to the mains, but are used in mix down later). no i don't need the channel setup ( but it would come in as a good starting point so i don't have to start all over) and not that i use all the same setup when i mix down (i do have nice analog and better plugins than the board will let me do live) i do end up using some of the same and end up redoing those channels (such a wast of time in my opinion)