Questions & Answers

StudioLive 16.0.2: Error while updating windows led to only inputs 13/14 and 15/16 working.

0 votes
asked May 11, 2017 in Classic Mixers by Martin Lande (160 points)
edited May 12, 2017 by Martin Lande


  • Computer: Self-assembled stationary. Asus Z97-Pro, Intel Core i7 4790k.
  • Windows 10
  • StudioLive 16.0.2, firmware version 0.98f Build: 219
  • Purchased mixer new in 2013. Daily use.
  • Mixer has barely been moved since purchase (permanently placed on a desk).

Windows 10 was doing the "creators update" on my computer. While it was updating I turned on the mixer, which was connected to the computer via firewire and starting playing an instrument connected to the mixer. About five minutes into the "Please wait" screen (see image below) an error message popped up, saying there was a problem with a presonus driver.

This is what the screen looked like, except it was only about 15 percent done at the time of the error.

This is the problem:

- None of the inputs work, except for the inputs on channels 13/14 and 15/16.

I have done the following to try to fix this:

- Turning the mixer on and off multiple times

- Turning the mixer off for 10 minutes and on again

- Factory reset

- Recalling scenes and presets

Can my mixer be fixed?

I am located in Norway, so I would rather not send it in for repair. I imagine it would be costly.

Update 12.05: Had mixer turned off for about 12 hours. Turned it on, and a series of clicks followed, with about a second between each click. Tried switching between the meters (input/output/GR), but it kept switching back to input. After a while the clicks stopped, and all the channels seemed to receive input. However, now the mixer didn't seem to send any output.

After restarting it, none of the channels receive input and no output can be heard from the mixer. It now seems "bricked".

3 Answers

+1 vote
answered Aug 16, 2018 by grahamgalloway (540 points)
selected Aug 16, 2018 by Martin Lande
Best answer
This is a common problem seem the 5 volt regulator has gone bad and caused no input or output on channels 1-12.

 I contacted the local distributor / repairer ( I'm in Australia ) and they didn't want to fix it shipping cost alone would have been high as they are 1000Km away.  After some discussion with their techo he sent me 2x transistors for the  + 5 volt regulator.  I have been in the computer industry for years, I have not opened the unit up but will do on the weekend CAN  ANYONE TELL ME THE BOARD / COMPONENT LOCATION FOR THE +5 Volt REG. I will pass on the details of the transistor for those interested. I got my 16.0.2 from a friend who had hardy used it i only got 6 or 7 months use before it started playing up. Good unit when it works !
0 votes
answered May 16, 2017 by Michael Martin (89,010 points)

While coincidental, it appears you mixer is having a hardware issue. The mixer will need to be repaired.

Please contact your local Presonus distributor for service needs. Find your distributor below:

0 votes
answered May 21, 2018 by DJ Avadhuta (640 points)
Same issue on SL 16.0.2 (classic). Helps to switch power off and wait for 30 minutes. But sometimes happens again.