Questions & Answers

Audio Problem After Arming Track

0 votes
asked Nov 12, 2015 in Studio One 2 by seriousthefox (150 points)

I wanted to record some vocal ideas for a track but I had some issues. When I armed my vocal track a terrible buzzing sound went through my headphones. This same sound also caused the audio to clip. The sound does not stop until I un-arm the track. I am not sure how to go about fixing this issue so I need a little help. This problem is making it impossible for me record any live audio.

Thank you

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 13, 2015 by gadget69 (31,130 points)
selected Nov 13, 2015 by seriousthefox
Best answer

First let's talk a little about information (or the lack there of) and drivers. When you have a large number of variables, products, operating systems, configurations, software, it becomes difficult to answer a question that doesn't provide the information necessary to make a call on the problem. Then, whomever is trying to answer the question has to ask for additional info and these threads can get quite drawn out. So please, try and provide as much info about your equipment, computer platform, and software as you can.

Now, the first step here is to make sure your up to date on your drivers and software. If for instance, your interface is an Audiobox 44VSL you would need to go to your 'My Presonus" account and make sure you have the latest drivers for that, and the latest VSL drivers, and even your Studio one 2. This is important because as the OS is updated, the drivers need to reflect these changes. If you don't yet have an account, get one started, it will be necessary for any interaction  with Presonus.

You can also start a service ticket right away, and if we get it sorted here you can always cancel it.