Questions & Answers

keine Sounds Notion 6

0 votes
asked Nov 23, 2017 in Notion by sedatsongs (150 points)

ich habe gerade auf Notion 6 umgestellt. erst vor kurzem habe ich auf den neuen Rechner notion5 aufgespielt, alle Sounds neu heruntergeladen und nach einiger nerverei zum klingen gebracht. nun nach dem update/upgrade, wurde die Programm Dateien überschrieben - im Gegensatz zu früher, als die Versionen noch nebeneinander standen. Die heruntergeladenen Sounds sind also wohl immer noch auf dem Rechner. Warum werden die nicht von notion6 weiter erkannt? muss ich jetzt alle Sounds nocheinmal Download und installieren?

Danke für eine Antwort.  

herzliche grüsse

Rainer Sedat

ps warum erhalte ich keine newsletter mehr

pps obwohl ich meine neue Adresse vor langer Zeit geändert habe erscheint beim Checkout immer noch meine Alte und wird auch auf der Rechnung ausgegeben - obwohl ich auch dort nochmals geändert habe.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 1, 2017 by TechSupport77 (195,990 points)
Best answer

Hi Rainer,

If you have a copy of Notion 5 or Notion 6 installed on your system, you can make both programs use the same Sounds folder. Just open Notion and go to File (Notion on a Mac)>Preferences>Audio and press the "choose..." button.  You can then navigate to the location of your Sounds folder and press "Select."  This will load the sounds into the program.  If you don't have the sounds installed or you run into any problems, please take a look at the instructions below:


1. Make sure that you have downloaded and installed the Bundled Sounds Installer. You can download the Bundled Sounds installer by going to and logging into your My PreSonus account.  Once logged in, please click on "My Products" and then "Software."  On this screen, you can click on your Notion product to locate the installers for the sounds.

2. Go to Macintosh HD\Library\Application Support\Notion Music\Notion #\Sounds\Bundled and verify that all of the sounds are in this folder. The sounds should have the extension .prox.  If you get to the Sounds folder and it has a red circle with a white hash-mark in it, then there is a permissions problem.  You will want to ctrl-click the Sounds folder and choose "Get Info."  Next, you can unlock the padlock by entering your Mac password and make sure that "Everyone" has "Read & Write" access.  

3. Once you have verified that all of the sounds are in the correct folder, you can open Notion and go to Notion>Preferences, Audio and press the “Choose…” button. From here, navigate to the Sounds folder and press “Select.” This will reload all of the sounds.


1. Make sure that you have downloaded and installed the Bundled Sounds Installer. You can download the Bundled Sounds installer by going to and logging into your My PreSonus account.  Once logged in, please click on "My Products" and then "Software."  On this screen, you can click on your Notion product to locate the installers for the sounds.

2. Go c:\Program Files\Notion #\Sounds\Bundled and verify that all of the sounds are in this folder. The sounds should have the extension .prox. If you have installed the 32-bit version of the program, you will find it in c:\Program Files (x86)\Notion #\Sounds\Bundled.

3. Once you have verified that all of the sounds are in the correct folder, you can open Notion and go to File>Preferences, Audio and press the “Choose…” button. From here, navigate to the Sounds folder and press “Select Folder.” This will reload all of the sounds.
