Questions & Answers

Graphite 49 midi keyboard problem-question

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asked Jan 14, 2018 in Studio One 3 by djkidstretchwarriorzrecords (1,440 points)
I recently bought the Samson Graphite 49 keyboard. I set it up as a keyboard and controller, in order to have the mixer and transport controls, all good so far. I also want to be able to control soft synth parameters, but in order for it to happen, i have to change to a  user preset, which i then assign the midi learn functions. I asked the Samson support how can i have those two options work together without having to change presets all the time, maybe some kind of layering, but they told me to contact Presonus support.

So, is it possible to have the two options (transport and mixer control along with vst-soft synth midi control)?

The Presonus preset shows different values from the user presets on the Graphite editor software and they are locked, i can only tweak the user presets.

Thank you.