Questions & Answers

Presonus iTwi Interface

0 votes
asked Jan 25, 2018 in AudioBox USB by stevenwatson4 (210 points)
Forgive me if this is a stupid question but im new to all of this looking at buying a Audio Interface and looking at the iTwo. In the advert it says you can connect an Ipad to the USB slot in the back, could I also connect a USB keyboard or USB electronic Drumkit to this or is it an output only slot.

Thanks Steve

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 20, 2018 by Jamesrhone1 (200,340 points)
Best answer
Thanks for your interest in Presonus products!

Yes, the iTwo is designed to be connected with an iPad.

However, the iTwo in conjunction with other USB instruments like keyboards and drums has to be done on a regular computer. Meaning they would all be connected to a computer and configured to work together in a DAW like Studio One.