Questions & Answers

Probelemas con melodyne

0 votes
asked May 26, 2018 in Studio One 4 by mauromorales (270 points)

Hello I was trying with new projects and it is the same install and uninstall the melodyne several times and nothing is not if it happens only to me this problem or is something that will be happening to several users, if so I hope they solve this problem with some update since I use this tool a lot. Greetings and thanks for your response!

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 12, 2018 by TechSupport77 (195,990 points)
Best answer
If Melodyne is not showing up inside of Studio One 4, please uninstall the program and re-install.  When re-installing, be sure to install the 64-bit version.  If you are on Windows, make sure that you install the 64-bit version to the c:\Program and not to the c:\Program Files (x86)...folder.  If you are having a problem with the UI inside of Studio One, make sure that you keep the Melodyne window docked.  You will want to check future release notes to see if the UI issue has been resolved.