Questions & Answers

How to get both trebble and bas staff in notion 6 using 'send to notion' in Studio One 4 Pro?

0 votes
asked Jun 28, 2018 in Notion by wimmuilwijk (200 points)


How can I get a full piano score with both trebble and bas staff when I use 'send tot notion' in Studio One 4 Pro?

I now get only the trebble staff with all bass-notes included in it. See picture. I would like to seperate the bass and trebble notes in the score, like commonly used as keyboard/piano players have. 

I hope my question is clear enough. Thanks in advance. Best regards, Wim

1 Answer

+2 votes
answered Jun 29, 2018 by TechSupport77 (195,990 points)
Best answer
Hi Wim,

In Notion, you will want to go into File (Notion on Mac)>Preferences>MIDI input and check the box to use a grand staff for keyboard instruments.

Being that Notion uses the name of the instrument to assign the staff, you will want to name your instrument track in Studio One to "Piano."  

Another way to resolve this issue is to go into File (Notion on Mac)>Preferences>MIDI input and check the box to use a sequencer staff.  This way anything that is imported into Notion from the world of MIDI will appear in a sequencer staff that has not yet been converted to notation.  You can then assign the desired instrument in Score Setup, exit Score Setup, select your entire score, and go to Tools>Convert to Notation.  Just make sure that you assign the instrument before converting to notation.