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+9 votes
asked Nov 21, 2018 in Editing by Obsolete.Solace2012 (640 points)
I’m thinking about changing to a different daw because of a few reasons...

1. When I bounce midi to audio it often crashes studio one (and autosave apparently didn’t happen???) super frustrating because I’ve developed quite the workflow so I can get a WHOLE lot done for it to crash even though auto save is set to every min

ESPECIALLY if is an eastwest library even though my performance bar never reaches above maybe 5-10%

2.) Ableton, Cubase, And Logic link right up to all my controllers.

3.) I’m a guitar instructor and having the option to record then convert audio to midi and exporting it to guitar pro sounds beyond amazing. As well as for compositions.

4.) there are more reasons but I’m getting tired...

I’ve been with studio one from the beginning but it’s only really above the others for me with mixing, mastering, and ease of use but again I’d hope so I’ve been with studio one for going on 10 years I least 7.

By the looks of things, the main hitters I have are probably not going to be fixed..I don’t mean to be negative I love Studio one and will probably always use it to pump out quick ideas.