Questions & Answers

Were you able to figure this out? I can't exit the melodyne view to get back to the normal editor

+2 votes
asked Nov 29, 2018 in Studio One 4 by ericstevens4 (140 points)

re: Second after I load Melodyne I am not able to go to the Studio One 4 Edit page.  If I select Edit the Melodyne page pops up and I am not able to typical Studio One edits.

3 Answers

–1 vote
answered Dec 6, 2018 by Vatche (2,870 points)
Once you load and edit in Melodyne, because the file is loaded into melodyne, you need to change in melodyne or remove melodyne, edit in the Edit window and then re-load in melodyne.
–1 vote
answered Feb 10, 2019 by charlesdickens (310 points)
After you remove Melodyne you then have to redo all of your previous edits.

I removed Melodyne, made my edits on the edit page added Melodyne back and of course the previous edits were gone.

In Studio 3 you were able to go from Melodyne to the Studio 3 Edit page back and forth without any issue.

I can't believe that people aren't screaming over this.

I went back to 3 and assumed 4 by now would have been fixed but it isn't.
–1 vote
answered Feb 10, 2019 by charlesdickens (310 points)
No, I don't have an answer.

This needs to be corrected.

This surely has to be a huge problems for other users
