Questions & Answers

MP3 export 5 minute limit

0 votes
asked Mar 25, 2019 in Recording by davidlewis22 (120 points)
I just added the MP3 converter for Studio One V.4.  Was this necessary for this version?  

Also, there seems to be 5 minute limit to the export, why is this limitation in place?

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Mar 30, 2019 by milkovanaalst (2,590 points)
MP3 converter is included in the Professional version, but not in the Artist version.

When you export a song in the dialog you can select what part to export. By default it says from start till end  marker. By default in a new song is 5 minutes (look at the markers). Drag the end marker to the end of the song and the “limit” should be solved.