Questions & Answers

Can Patterns support 3/4 and 6/8 time sigs

+5 votes
asked May 27, 2019 in Editing by lisarowe (3,830 points)
Dancing, ballet in particular.  I work with 3/4 and 6/8 time sigs a lot.  It would be nice if I could have a more convenient way to make the pattern mode help me generate correct beats and measures.

Currently, I have to do the math, and then do it again every time I add a new pattern or change the beat or note length in an existing pattern.  Clearly, the patterns pay no attention to the time sig of the song in how they grey out the measures either.

I have a big project to do and this would help me very much.


2 Answers

0 votes
answered Oct 10, 2023 by Wazatron (1,860 points)
Why do all "beat" tools completely ignore time signatures other than 4/4? It's infuriating. Any Pattern should follow the set time signature. I really hope to see this addressed.
0 votes
answered Feb 2, 2024 by gianlucapallocca (1,890 points)
I've tried to explain the point to the support team 2 years ago and they don't understand what is not working on ternary time. i suppose the technical developers are not working side by side with a competent musician and they can't achieve other the simples production features..