Questions & Answers

mega frustration

0 votes
asked Dec 1, 2019 in Networked Stage Box by istvanpeterbracz (660 points)
So frustrated after all this time, and not getting this NSB 8.8 working properly. I followed ALL the instructions in the manual, and was thoroughly confused by some of the videos. The naming conventions cause more confusion then they are worth. I'm sending in my 8.8 for the Tech folks to look at what is wrong with it, and if it comes back the same, I'm dumping it. $500 wasted, and lots of frustrated time wasted. I hope that things change soon.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Dec 2, 2019 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)
selected Dec 4, 2019 by mackjohnson1
Best answer

Very often problems disappear when things are built up from scratch. Using a NSB stagebox with a Series III mixer should not be too difficult, but it seems you need some advice from people who work with the equipment every day. You might want to have a look at this private Facebook group:

Presonus StudioLive Series III Users
