Questions & Answers

To Presonus

–5 votes
asked Apr 24, 2020 in Editing by presono (1,150 points)

Dear Studio One users,

Thank you very much to those who helped my trying to understand S1.

I was really trying to like it, I didn't get the instrument (track-channel) concept, nor the fact that you wouldn't be asked about replacing a mixdown with the same name, etc etc etc

But the fact that killed it for me totally, is that you can't replace the "no overlap edit mode option for copy/paste/duplicate/delete". That is just plain stupid! And has been asked on the forum since 2017 with more than 140 votes.

Where are those cocky endorsees by Presonus?

Let me see your answers about this.

To Presonus, use all that time that you are wasting coding for drag and drop and silly things, to make real improvements like those mentioned.

Without those options, Studio one is just a flashy amateur DAW to impress kids!

I'm out!
