Questions & Answers

What's AltGr?

+1 vote
asked May 9, 2020 in Editing by kenglasser (260 points)
I'd love to try your response but what's the AltGr key?  Or maybe I should ask what I should do if I don't seem to have an AltGr key?  All I have are two Alt keys on either side of the space bar.
related to an answer for: Move audio events in Layers to anywhere

3 Answers

0 votes
answered May 10, 2020 by fschmidt (6,230 points)
It's a button on your keyboard - the second ALT key, the "alternate graphic" key ;)
usually to the right of the space bar
0 votes
answered May 10, 2020 by kenglasser (260 points)
I see that second Alt key.  But it doesn't appear to do anything different than the Alt key to the left of the space bar.  In both cases if I hold down the Alt key I get a symbol like a speaker with an outline of the upper left corner of a square.  If I then hold the mouse button the time indicator moves and I hear that track solo.

But there isn't anything I seem to do that moves the audio layer in either direction.  I'm stumped.
0 votes
answered May 11, 2020 by kenglasser (260 points)
I worked with this some more yesterday and found that unless I zoomed in about as far as I could the nudges were pretty imperceptible.  I'm able to use either Alt key (the one on the left of the space bar and the one on the right of the space bar.  Thanks fschmidt for getting me to look into this more thoroughly.

My keyboard doesn't have a key labeled AltGr.