this might be something to consider for a future update.
the ability to generate a detailed "Word/Text" file which would show song and track data. A bit like the old work sheets which studios would print to keep "track" of workings on old 24track tape decks. a sheet could show things like
title, date, composer, artist, contributor etc - yes this is all part of the "meta-data" already available,
and would be printed at the top of the sheet.
but it is not a complete picture of the composition itself.
add to that.
track no, title, instrument, VST, preset, Arranger List, Chord list, Event Title, SMPTE time - Bar-line Tempo change, Key signature, Time signature, duration, track type, Console level Track notes, etc etc. Track comment, "progress notes" etc.
I am attempting to draw up an Excel work sheet to do all of this per song, but it would be very nice if it was automatically generated as an "output" file from Studio One.
I will admit that I cringe at the idea of having to fill all of the data out by hand, when indeed, the software should be perfectly capable of generating such a report with a single click.
to take it even further a series of "options" on an export prompt stating "what items would you like me to report...."
This way it would be possible to generate a "Running folio" of works done, and "Current status" for each song.
Then keep the data in a ring binder for current and later referral.
At the end of the work-day print a new updated sheet for each song, and carry out reporting on what has been modified or added to, and how that was done.