Questions & Answers

Recording with Vox Cambridge50

+1 vote
asked Jul 21, 2020 in Studio One 4 by leandrolibrizzi (170 points)
Trying to use the above Amp to record in Studio one for Windows via usb cable directly. But the device won't show under Audio Device in the Audio Setup.

Any ideas?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 25, 2020 by bigbluebarry (160 points)
I had the same issue. If you go to the vox website, you can download the drivers you need to get the Cambridge 50 to show up as an audio interface in Studio One. Here's the link -  - Then go to Drivers section on the page. I had to install the VOX 2ch Audio Driver for Windows v2.0.0 but once I did, it showed up as an audio interface for me. Hope that helps!