Questions & Answers

Drummer Plugin

+1 vote
asked Feb 26, 2016 in Studio One Feature Requests by domenicturillo (470 points)
Just started using Studio One Artist, I did purchase the add-on which allows me to use third party plugins. I would love to see a Drummer add-on feature similar to the Drummer in Logic Pro X,  Of course this would be a purchased add-on the Artist.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 26, 2016 by C.LYDE (820 points)

I think it would be a coup if the "drummer AI" was implemented without the kits. Obviously people want it all - but the thing about the Groove Agent / LogicX Drummer / JamStix programs is that they attempt to add real drummer sense, which I really believe should be the focus, instead of hrs on more kits. I'm not talking about random midi patterns, but something that we can plug in like new midi plugins, but the with possibilities of Kay Algorithmic Realtime Music Architecture combined with
