Questions & Answers

PreSonus StudioLive testimonies??

0 votes
asked Nov 21, 2020 in StudioLive Series III by poppysarahpoppysarah (180 points)
My church informed me that it was going to turn a portion of its budget over to the audio team for some new purchases. After a lot of research (I mean a lot, I have a strong background in audio engineering so I spent hours digging into the tiny technical aspects) I settled on the PreSonus 32.4.2 AI. I have compiled a report to submit to the trustees, and I am setting up I/O and routing plans to smooth out the transition should it be approved.

I feel that my position would be greatly strengthened by some testimonies from other users. Although houses of worship would be preferred, I would love to hear reviews from engineers that have used one of these StudioLive consoles in any venue. Please just use appropriate and relatively simple language so that I can use your reviews word for word.


2 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 24, 2020 by benpierce (99,480 points)
Best answer

A better place to ask this question would be the PreSonus House of Worship Facebook Group.

0 votes
answered Nov 25, 2020 by timcronin1 (530 points)

Avoid the AI series! You definitely want to go with the StudioLive Series III consoles as they use real AVB.

(The AI boards use a piece of hardware that was designed before AVB was fully ratified so they're not fully AVB compliant.)

I head up the tech team at a church with 3 PreSonus boards and all supporting accessories. I'd be happy to talk more in detail about the challenges we faced and why we chose the equipment that we did. I'm sure PreSonus has rules against sharing contact info in the forums but I'd be happy to talk with you directly if you're interested.

Otherwise, I can write up a longer answer here but it'll take some time as I have a lot to say.
