Questions & Answers

How do I download "Acoustic Drum Loops Complete (Studio One Add-On)" ?

0 votes
asked Nov 26, 2020 in Studio One 5 by koheinagasawa (120 points)

I purchased "Acoustic Drum Loops Complete (Studio One Add-On)" and registered the product, but I don't know how to download it. Below is a screenshot.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 23, 2021 by johndangelo2 (140 points)
I kind of have the same problem.  I purchased Ujam Virtual Drummer Solid.  There was no product key.  When I try to download it, it says to

Enter Code Paste your code from one of our valued partners in the designated field and click to Get License.  What does that mean.  What valued partner?  Very frustrating.