Questions & Answers

Transfering plugin icon "Pictures snapshots of vast/Au how to transfer already taken in 4 to 5

0 votes
asked Dec 14, 2020 in Studio One 5 by tomvogel (240 points)
I would like to retrieve the small photos of 3rd party plugins from studio one 4 to 5.  Is this possible or to I need to take photos of all the plugins again to get icons for the plugin windows?  I am on Mac Mojave 10.14.6 using Au/Vst3/Vst

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 14, 2020 by aka_busker (32,870 points)
If both are installed, then V5 will inherit some settings from Studio One v4.  I believe this includes the snapshots of the plugins, but I don't use them.  
+1 vote
answered Dec 14, 2020 by tomvogel (240 points)
Yes they do switch into the new version, realized I had looked at A-B plugins which I had not used pictures in.
0 votes
answered Dec 14, 2020 by aka_busker (32,870 points)
I thought they might.  I don't tend to use many plugins and I don't use much more than the included or "Stock Plugins" including Fat Channel.  However I did notice that when I installed v5 in the summer the upgrade process on Windows was an absolute breeze.  I didn't have to mess with anything at all.  I didn't even tell v5 where my VST'S were, they appeared where they should be.  To quote a famous videogame developer "It just works" ;)