Questions & Answers


0 votes
asked Jan 20, 2021 in Studio One 5 by eugeniojumillaolmos (230 points)
Hello, the click of the metronome works perfectly when I turn it on and hear it through my monitors.

I don't use a physical microphone to record, I use an external Rolan Rubix64 and Universal OX sound card to connect my head or amplifier to the computer.

With an audio "banking track" the same thing happens to me.

I put the backin track on track1 and on pists2 I record the guitar solo, because it records the song of the "backing track on track2 where I only record the guitar solo, you can hear the whole recording on track2, the same happens with the metronome. Do you understand what I want to explain?

I don't know what happens and it has me puzzled, what can you do?

thanks for your help

Greetings (I'm from Spanish, excuse me if I don't understand myself well because I don't speak English and used a translator)

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 21, 2021 by mauricio79 (520 points)
no se entiende tu pregunta hermano
asked Jan 21, 2021 in Studio One 5 by eugeniojumillaolmos (230 points) Respuesta