Questions & Answers


+1 vote
asked May 3, 2021 in Studio One+ by yohaanpuymeras (170 points)
J ai pris un abonnement présonus sphère le soucis et que j ai studio One prime et apparement il ne fais pas la mise à niveau es ce normal ?

3 Answers

+1 vote
answered May 3, 2021 by kerryclancy (160 points)
yes i got the sphere upgrade today.. instead of downloading the sphere it downloaded the studio 4 which i already have
0 votes
answered May 3, 2021 by alexanderbobylev (160 points)
I have the similar problem.

I activated my PreSonus Sphere, but my account shows that I doesn't have one. Nothing. Transaction from my debit card was approved. I have the invoice. But no memberpship presents.

When your memeberpship active, you have acces to all the products included (via your account). You have the opportunity to download them and activate with presonus sphere.
0 votes
answered May 4, 2021 by yohaanpuymeras (170 points)
Merci pour vos réponse le souci c'est que je ne bénéficie pas de studio one pro comme indiqué dans l'offre de la demande et j'aimerais savoir si il faut attendre un peu avant que presonus vois que je suis membre de presonus sphere.