Questions & Answers

Can someone explain how I can do a live loop performance?

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asked Nov 12, 2021 in Studio One 5 by kylemurphy2 (140 points)
Hi, so please allow me explain what I would like to do. I have set a loop bracket on the top margin and I have 4 tracks. I want to begin recording the first track until I reach the end of the loop marker and then begin recording with the second track while the first track continues to loop.I then want that track to stop recording and continue looping while I record and loop the next track. All of this to be done live, like a performer may hook the mic and guitar in to a looper and is able to record loops pressing the pedal during performance. Is it possible to set studio one to do this automatically? I found this impossible to explain simply on google and find results so I thought I'd properly explain myself here. Thanks. I hope it's understandable.