Questions & Answers

Headphone for 68c ?

0 votes
asked Nov 22, 2022 in Studio Series USB Interfaces by farukakn (150 points)
recategorized May 3, 2023 by AlexTinsley
I have a Presonus Studio 68c, how many ohms should my headphones be to get a better efficiency?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 3, 2023 by AlexTinsley (925,270 points)
Best answer

Highlighted in Red below: 

Headphone Outputs

  • Maximum Output

    150 mW/Channel (56Ω load)

  • Frequency Response

    20 Hz to 20 kHz (±0.2 dB, 56Ω Load, 48 kHz)

  • Dynamic Range

    107 dB (A-Weighted, 56Ω Load)

  • Total Harmonic Distortion

    0.002% (1 kHz, -1 dBFS, no Load)

  • Impedance Working Range

    32Ω to 300Ω
