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0 votes
asked Jan 18, 2023 in Sceptre, Eris, R-Series by dock1805 (120 points)
This is total ****!

I bought Eris 5BT last week and returned it after five days. Noise floor is abnormal. I could hear it from 4 feet away. Hissing like crazy. If this is by design please get out of the business ASAP.

I checked KRK Rokit 5s, Adam Audio T5V and Dynaudio BM series... just a little hiss when you press ear on the tweeter otherwise inaudible from 5 inches and up.

Finally settled for the Focal Alpha EVO 50. It is a little less then double the price of E5BT but man... there is no comparison. Hiss and hum and noise do not exist, sounds wonderful looks wonderful (albeit a bit large).

You should sell E5BT for 5 euros and than it would be in correct scale to Focals which are 250 each.

So guys... My advice is to buy plane tickets and go to France. Visit Focal. Maybe you will learn something.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 17, 2024 by DánielMécs (150 points)
I got an Eris 4.5BT some day ago, it is hissing so loud, I can't sleep unless I turn it off completely. My old Logitech speaker has absolutely no hiss when it doesn't get a sound signal, but it only cost a fifth as much. I need to sell it as soon as possible, it is a joke from a "studio monitor". Studio monitor for deaf people...