Questions & Answers

How do I create a macro to create a start/stop "pause" key?

+4 votes
asked Jan 27, 2023 in Studio One 6 by lewicky (280 points)
Assuming there is no way to directly bind a key to a start/stop "pause" control, how would I create a macro so that, with "Return to start on stop" enabled, when I push the enter key playback starts, and when I push the enter key again, playback pauses at that cursor position (rather than returning to start) ?

Seems really strange there is no control already in place to handle this behavior?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 30, 2023 by adarshchandran (5,530 points)
This is a good feature. To permanently enable return to start/stop but if I wish to override that control I press another key to make it behave like Return to start/stop is disabled. I've noticied I press Alt/Option + Numpad 0 many many times. Instead for example Conrol/command+space could do the inverse. If return to start/stop is toggled on then Cntrl/command+space could work temporarily as play where the cursor was paused, and vice versa for if return to start/stop is off then the latter would perform the other way..
0 votes
answered Feb 3, 2023 by tothrec (32,330 points)
Right click on the triangle (play) or square (stop) in the console.

It allows you to toggle the desired behavior. "Return to Start on Stop"

I realize this is not what you are looking for (I do miss this Cakewalk feature).

What I do is have "Return to Start on Stop" disabled and just hit Num 0 if I want to go back to the previous playback position.

Hope this helps,



I don't see the Feature Request tag on this post.  You may want to add that so that Presonus devs will see it when enough folks have up-voted it.