Questions & Answers

Why does Studio One v5 open up with no text?

+1 vote
asked Apr 5, 2023 in Studio One 5 by tomsal (130 points)
I recently upgraded my mac book pro to the latest OS, Ventura. After performing the upgrade from macOS Monterrey, Studio One v5 will not display the program correctly. It opens but none of the text fields and options show up. It's all just a grey/charcoal screen with "Studio One" at the very top and nothing else. The menu options are available at the top but when you choose one it does bring up the sub screen but it's just a blank pop up/dialog box. Usually you can see which files were previously opened, tips and tricks, etc, when you first open the program. Oddly, I do have Studio One version 2 still installed and that still shows everything just fine. Anyone encounter this before?