Questions & Answers

Live support monitor solution and PLUG IN support

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asked May 1, 2023 in StudioLive Series III by hongkyunoh (150 points)
edited May 1, 2023 by hongkyunoh

I am Oh Hong-gyun, who is in charge of circuits related to JIG development at Naanna, the primary vendor of Samsung VD.

I have a lot of interest in sound-related LIVE SYSTEM, and I've volunteered for about 10 years in the sound-related field at a church.
We wanted to develop an innovative product among monitoring systems through communication with live praise musicians during church services.

Among them, considering the convenience of musicians' use, the price-performance ratio for monitoring settings, and the quality of rate, we are thinking about how to use wireless and wired products using smartphones.

I studied Stage Wave and LV1 WAVES equipment in relation to monitoring and live systems, and I came to think about improvement and convenience along with the advantages of innovative products.

So, I would like to send you a plan for the development of wired/wireless monitoring equipment for LIVE performances, as shown in the attached material.

Currently, I have purchased the STUIO ONE 4 program and am studying the features of this product one by one.

STUDIO ONE product is a program that is compatible with both Windows-based and MAC-based operating systems.

I don't know much about the development of core programs (DAW, Android, IOS, etc.), but the basic planning for sound IT devices is at the level of understanding, so please read and review.

In the STUDIO ONE program, it is a high-quality DAW product, but it is a product that needs verification for LIVE performances, but it wants to be used well in LIVE performances on MAC-based operating systems and WINDOWS-based operating systems.
This is a structure in which an additional program that supports the live monitor function, which is the most weak point of the DAW program, is sold as an option, and LIVE SOUND is applied in real time while mastering sound is applied in the form of adding this sound to monitoring.

If STUDIO ONE users understand the advantages of LIVE monitor products, it is judged that there will be more users because they will have the advantages of LIVE effect work and monitoring at the same time as recording.

I sincerely hope that this plan will come true and that many musicians will be able to use this system satisfactorily, making my dream come true.


I have difficulty speaking English, so I would like to communicate via e-mail.

My personal mail is [email protected].

thank you


1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 2, 2023 by mackjohnson1 (78,460 points)
Best answer
This is a user forum, you'll have to reach out directly to the company for something like what you stated.