Questions & Answers

Sample One

0 votes
asked May 16, 2016 in Studio One 3 by collinbazzell (1,610 points)

I can't find Sample One. That's about it. I want to have sound in my song that I've already recorded, and put it into Studio One, but putting the file into studio one just brings it in as a .wav and I can't do anything to it. Does Studio One Prime not have Sample One? I used the "search for" bar, thinking it might be somewhere in the area where all the Presence XT insruments and loops and stuff are, but it's not.

PC: Latitude E6410

OS: Windows 7 Professional

Software: Studio One 3 Prime

Sound Card: IDT High Defintion Audio CODEC Version

No digital mixer.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 16, 2016 by -Luis- (22,800 points)
Best answer
Sample One is not included in the free version.