Questions & Answers

Studio one mixer

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asked Mar 22, 2024 in Studio One 6 by saeednoori15 (130 points)
Hello good time Thank you very much to the Presonus team who worked hard for our comfort and are always with us There are two very important issues that I would be happy if you pay attention to them First of all, in the mixer section, the width of each track, which is converted into two modes, big and small, it is better if it can be adjusted in different sizes like Cubase and Nuendo, so that we can make the best use of the mixer space in relation to the size of the monitor. Second, the graphics and style are becoming monotonous and old, and it's more of a gaming mode than a professional music environment. It could be much more established, minimal and colorful. And the last thing, we are all waiting for a new arrival with big events for a long time...