Questions & Answers

Subject: Suggestion for Enhancing Studio One Sound Variations Feature

+2 votes
asked Apr 22, 2024 in Studio One 6 by wanwanchen (180 points)

Dear PreSonus Development Team,

As a dedicated user of Studio One, I would like to propose a suggestion for improving the Sound Variations feature to provide users with greater flexibility when using virtual instruments.

Specific Issue Description: Currently, when setting up Sound Variations, if I map the capo function to specific MIDI notes (such as C#1 or E1), these notes are exclusively used to control the capo position and cannot be played as musical notes. This limitation restricts my creative freedom while composing music.

Proposed Improvement:

  1. Implement Cubase-like Expression Mapping Feature: Introduce a customizable expression mapping configuration that allows users to assign and use MIDI notes flexibly for specific control functions without affecting their functionality as musical notes. This enhancement will enhance user flexibility and convenience while composing music.

With this improvement, I believe the user experience in Studio One will be significantly enhanced, especially when integrating with virtual instruments.

Thank you for considering this suggestion, and I look forward to seeing this improvement in future versions.

