Questions & Answers

blinking led on my presonus firestudio project

0 votes
asked Aug 29, 2017 in FireStudio Series by jean-franoisperrault (180 points)
I got this trouble on my firestudio project. I found lots of thread here about it from a few years ago, but nothing is resolving the bug : no sound, blinking main volume led, no synchronisation.

Here is my configuration :

- MAC OS 10.12.6 (16G29) on a macbook pro mid-2015
- A firewire cable with an thunderbold adapter

I tried, in this order:

- to change the samplerate, restart, replug everything.
I've installed the latest version of universal control (4.2.1 46437) (restart, reset firmware ,...)

I was so happy with this audio interface, stable, userfriendly, I couldn't imagine it's dead, what you think ?

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Aug 30, 2017 by jean-franoisperrault (180 points)
Ok, after a lot of experimentations, it works !

It seems that changing the clock source on Universal Control, switching to SPDIF then master again solve the problem. No more blinking led, sound back !
0 votes
answered Feb 28, 2019 by jordancant (150 points)
Jean-franoisperrault you are an absolute superstar. I have left my dead Firestudio sitting idle for 4 years because I assumed it was a hardware fault and couldn't justify sending it to get repaired. Tried the clock source trick and voila, blue light!!

Cheers mate.