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Ability to "Draw Out" pops/clicks/glitches directly on the waveform using the Paint Tool while zoomed in.

+555 votes
asked Dec 1, 2017 in Completed Feature Requests by wonder6oy (3,280 points)
There is literally no way to do this (yet) in Studio One 3 without resorting to either interrupting the audio with a crossfaded splice or using a 3rd party audio editor.  This is an extremely useful feature and needs to be in there!

22 Answers

+24 votes
answered Dec 3, 2017 by AlexTinsley (925,570 points)
Best answer

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+10 votes
answered Dec 21, 2017 by benreaves (11,480 points)

I'd like to see this and many other audio event editing options made available.

Adobe Audition is an audio editor first, so it has lots of processes available like Phase Invert, Convert to Mono, etc. Studio One only has the option to normalize a clip all the way to 0 dBFS. Would be nice for the audio Edit pane to be more useful in this regard.

+4 votes
answered Jan 22, 2018 by andreasfranzmann (3,380 points)
YES, that's a crucial feature to me!
+13 votes
answered Mar 12, 2018 by moshegoldstein (1,750 points)

This would be great!

The manual "drawing" method you suggest is good. But I'd suggest having the computer detect and restore the waveform within a selection can be much more useful at times. You'd be able to clean an entire clip from clicks and pops with one click (of the mouse).

Similar to WaveLab. They have something called "Waveform Restorer" with several restoration methods. See snapshot:

+4 votes
answered Jan 21, 2019 by mariopy (2,360 points)
We need a spectrogram like audition with tools to draw out specifics thinks, for fine audio editing
+2 votes
answered Feb 24, 2019 by daveedmonds (520 points)
edited Feb 24, 2019 by daveedmonds
I know this is an old post, but might be of interest:

CoolEdit Pro could do this years ago !  It gave you the ability to manually edit (raise or lower numeric value) of a single sample using the mouse. You could also just highlight the sample and enter a new numeric sample value with the keyboard, or delete the sample all together if you wanted. These low level editing features were removed when Adobe bought CoolEdit and renamed it Audition. In fact, I still use Cooledit Pro as an external audio editor from within Reaper DAW. (Has its own dropdown menu selection in Reaper). Have only tested under  Win7 32bit OS and XP 32bit OS.
+3 votes
answered Apr 26, 2019 by jrocamora (1,790 points)
First, the waveform view would need to be reworked to actually show the full resolution of what's going on in the data.
+4 votes
answered Nov 25, 2019 by jhayward745 (250 points)
If it wasn't for izotope rx7 I would have reverted back to using Logic Pro. This is a feature that should be in studio one and im surprised it hasn't been implemented.
+2 votes
answered May 23, 2020 by Michael1985 (13,040 points)
Please look at "Spectral Edit" from Steinberg. Such a complete solution for Studiio One would be the perfect way for many different Kinds of editing.

Not just Pops&clicks, also editing specific frequencies and generating completely new tones for creative usage.
+1 vote
answered Jun 8, 2020 by Michael1985 (13,040 points)
A spectral editor like Spectral Edit from Steinberg would be the perfect solutionn for this kind of editing!
+1 vote
answered Aug 3, 2020 by nicolasalba (1,720 points)
Was this feature actually completed? I am not seeing anything like it in 5.0, nor any mention of it in the manual. I am not really seeing any audio waveform editing at all, but maybe I am not looking in the right place. I see people trying to use gain automation on pops, but nothing like the Pro Tools pencil tool, and definitely not spectral editing. I am not sure if this one was marked completed by accident when it actually is not.
+2 votes
answered Aug 8, 2020 by joeljossie (5,340 points)
This was not implemented in terms of actually editing - i.e. "drawing out" - the waveform of things like unwanted pops and clicks. Rather, the new gain envelopes feature allows you to surgically reduce volume for those. Useful, but not exactly as versatile of a solution as the feature request suggested.
+1 vote
answered Aug 10, 2020 by robertgray3 (42,850 points)
Wasn't really completed. You can accomplish this with Gain Envelopes in 5.0 but it takes at least four more steps and some trial and error to do this with Clip Gain, even if it is enhanced with the Envelopes.
+2 votes
answered Aug 30, 2020 by onejaelee (300 points)
Please!! this feature will be the most incredible!!!
+2 votes
answered Sep 22, 2020 by estudiomub (610 points)
Please implement that asap!
+3 votes
answered Oct 18, 2020 by justincary (240 points)
I switched over to Studio One earlier this year and LOVE it except for this most basic feature. Drawing out pops/clicks in ProTools was very efficient, it would be a huge help in Studio One!
+5 votes
answered Jan 7, 2021 by glennshipps (330 points)
This was really the only disappointment I had switching to Studio One from ProTools, as well as the waveform resolution (even after it has been improved).

I'm currently working on editing a mix with clipping, clicks and pops, recorded by a beginner engineer and the lack of this feature is KILLING ME. To make things worse, the pencil tool is just sitting there, taunting me, saying "I could do what you want, but I WON'T!"

Come on PreSonus!
+4 votes
answered Jun 5, 2021 by izpztddn (1,460 points)
I wonder why this topic is in the "Completed Feature Requests"? The current way of doing the job with the volume envelope isn't what was requested: it doesn't actually make any changes to the waveform in order to get rid of clicks and pops. It often doesn't bring the desired results. Presonus, please, make this feature like in can actually change the waveform and draw your own.
+1 vote
answered Nov 29, 2021 by taracarlson (710 points)
I like almost everything about S1...except the waveform issue.  It's useless for editing a truly intrtusive sound (something that, say, RX de-click can't fix) - and so for that kind of issue i have to export my track/event, drop it into izotope RX or audacity and fix the pop/thump there (easily, instantly, visibly).

The lack of resolution and the lack of spectrogram are a serious problem for editing of any kind (and face it, most of us are editing dirty tracks at one time or another! it's not like we're all recording in a studio 100% of the time :)
+3 votes
answered Jan 28, 2022 by wonder6oy (3,280 points)

Why is this marked as "completed"?  

The "envelope volume hack" hasn't worked for me a single time I've attempted it.  indecision

+2 votes
answered Jul 3, 2022 by hazeldean (550 points)
It's disappointing to see this listed as a completed request when it has definitely not been implemented. It's very frustrating to know exactly what needs to be done to fix a waveform, know it is a feature available elsewhere, yet not be able to do so due to limited function of Studio One.
I have found a newer request however that is almost 2 years old.
+1 vote
answered Dec 15, 2023 by yeahimsteve (200 points)
I Googled this issue and here we sad that it's not a thing yet.  This is why I use multiple DAWs.